mind the gap

destination --> me



i suck. i really do. the little bit of time that ive been able to use the computer i have been trying to fix my scanner so i can finally scan the sigur ros tickets but i gave up trying to make it work so i will try not to bother myself about it and focus mostly on writing.. the truth is my english has gotten terribly bad in the past few months and i just get worse.. so i wont get too into that but mainly the reason why i am writing it down is to say that even though it would be much easier to write in spanish ive really REALLY got to practice english.. so .. well.. there you go..

about sigur ros, i had a chance to see them live last monday oct. 3rd and it was beyond amazing. everytime i listen to sigur ros i feel somehow as if i fall in love over and over again and i cant help thinking that its not just any type of music but rather a state of mind. its more than any words i can ever come up with. (take in note that im not really good with words .. so.. ) but nonetheless.. its beautiful music.

and its not just music.

its bliss.

last stop | next stop

mind the gap